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Word Ladder 2
When moving up or down the ladder, each word will have one (and only one) letter replaced at a...
Fill the cells with numbers such that all consecutive numbers are touching (ex: 2 must be next to 1...
Word Ladder 1
The following clues are for two-word phrases. The last word in each phrase will be carried to...
Connections: 3/14
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Crosswords with Caleb: 3/14
ACROSS 1. Run ___ (go wild) 5. “Qué ___?” 6. International Women’s History month...
Opinion: Is Java Junction becoming GC’s next convenience food superpower?
On the night of the 19th of February in the year of our Lord 2024, Java Junction started selling a...
Letters from the editors
Dear Editor, Hi. It’s me, Greta. You might not remember me, because I was executive editor of...
Connections: 2/22
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Crosswords with Caleb: 2/22
ACROSS 1. Chisel 5. *Word anagrammed an appropriate amount of times in this puzzle 7. Footwear...
12 policies for GC to consider
The following is a list of policy proposals I believe GC should implement — or, at the very least...
Quiz: What font are you?
Take this quiz and we’ll tell you which font you are! 1. What does your morning routine look like...
Connections: 2/15
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Crosswords with Caleb: 2/15
ACROSS 1. <3 6. Ellen ___, first Hispanic woman in space 7. Final authority 8. Subjects of...
Classroom Week 6 power rankings
It’s been a wild week for classrooms at Goshen College. Here are this week’s biggest winners and...
Fall 2024Funnies Staff
Funnies Editors
Phil Witmer-Rich
Amelia Witmer-Rich