Spread your wings: birdwatching
In the face of another four years under a Trump presidency, many people feel anxious, uncertain and...

Stairway to hell
As I gazed at the elevator call button Saturday afternoon, I realized that the elevator had gone out...

Moving beyond trigger warnings
Sometimes, our best efforts to help end up causing more harm than good. Such is the case with...

RFC renovation reimagined
As established student leaders, members of the Association of Student-Athletes seek to prioritize...

A son of CTE
Growing up, my father never let me play football, and being his son, it was all I wanted to do....

Overworked and overwhelmed: BSU’s search for a new advisor
It is no secret that Goshen College has a lack of professors of color. In fact, did you know that as...

Why fit is more important than prestige and rankings
After transferring away from Goshen College, I’ve learned firsthand that choosing the right...

The Java Junction therapist
Coming to Goshen College, I never thought that I could have a big effect on people’s...

Leaning on community as fires burn
I had never visited Los Angeles before last week, so I can’t speak to what the city was like...

Our lives are in the hands of American politics
With the approaching inauguration of President Elect Donald Trump, there are many things that...

Our incoming government is not here to serve the people
With Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy newly present as cabinet members of the White House, the two plan...

A global ‘creativity crisis’
Modern day media is consumed with almost no thought. It’s become a mindless activity, done only to...

The FOMO epidemic for international students
I was 15 years old when I started to realize how seeing my friends do something without me was...

Politically divided: Is unity really what we need?
One thing I love about Goshen College is our intentionality to be in community with each other. I...

Not just a picky eater: My experience with ARFID
Like many other children, I was considered a picky eater growing up. An avid vegetable hater, eating...
Spring 2025Opinion Staff
Opinion Editors

Josiah Miller jrmiller@goshen.edu

Carmen Merino camerino@goshen.edu