

Brianne Brenneman poses for a picture with a large group of men
Photo of nine year-old Seth Wesman holding a basketball in a gym
David Jantz mimes being thrown backward
Photo of a potato
Leah and Sawyer pose for a picture
Jacob Penner stands in hallway of the Union Building
Students paint letters on their stomachs and line up to spell a word during a soccer game
Closeup photo of Leah Landes' stuffed chihuahua with Leah in the background
Maria Jantz smiles painfully for the camera
A student poses with the Orie O. Miller plaque outside Miller Residence Hall
David Jantz holds a folder while singing
Comic strip entitled "Still so, so alone" and illustrating interactions between planets
Reuben Ng makes a shocked face while reading a book in the Good Library

Spring 2025
Funnies Staff

Funnies Editor

Grace Stevens

Funnies Writer