

Erika takes a selfie with a pair of athletic shorts
Selfie of Jordan Shields
Photo of Martin Luther King Jr.
Olivia Clemens wears warm winter clothing in the snow on campus
Portrait of Katie Yoder
Nahshon Lora and Rudi Mucaj read newspapers
Sign reading: "No Skate Boarding On Campus"
Laura Hershey poses for a picture with her hands over her heart
2010 Halloween photo of Dillon Hershey wearing a toothbrush costume with her friend dressed as the tooth fairy and her sister as a tooth
Drawing of a squirrel pouring another squirrel a cup of tea
Kristin Troyer plays the banjo next to a red Nebraska flag
The bathroom on the second floor of the Good Library
Nathan Pauls walks mournfully across campus with his boxed lunch

Spring 2025
Funnies Staff

Funnies Editor

Grace Stevens

Funnies Writer