

Megan Bower strikes a pose next to the Broken Shield sculpture
A sad Nathan Pauls poses for a picture next to his scooter
Chad Coleman wears airpods and a shirt with the Apple logo
Rachael Klink poses for a picture under the bright LED light over the Broken Shield sculpture on campus
Toughest professor bracket featuring Kyle Hufford vs. Ann Hostetler, Anna Kurtz Kuk vs. Joel Pontius, and Jewel Lehman vs. Julie Reese
A student stands outside Kulp Hall with a sign reading "R.I.P. VINE"
Stephanie Dilbone and Lauren Myers pose for a picture in the dumpster outside Yoder Hall
Students dance in Sauder Concert Hall for International Coffeehouse
Kelsey Winters wears sunglasses and waves a one dollar bill
Alex Steiner runs in a cross country race
Jonah Yoder strikes a pose in his back brace

Spring 2025
Funnies Staff

Funnies Editor

Grace Stevens

Funnies Writer