October 14, 2021

Soil and sunlight: Alexa’s tips on plant care
House plants: they can brighten a room, relieve stress, replace the need for an animal and even...
October 7, 2021

International student numbers rise
With COVID-19 vaccines available and travel restrictions easing this year, Goshen College reported...
October 7, 2021

Who is GC’s Halloween Queen?
October is upon us, and with it comes everyone’s favorite holiday of the year: Halloween. I...
October 7, 2021

Goshen plugs into an electric future
In 2013, Goshen College’s Physical Plant installed an electric vehicle charging station outside of...
October 7, 2021

GC memes: Soggy, well-fed and full of squirrels
Historians of the present study old newspapers, letters, journals and books when trying to...
October 7, 2021

Students gain access to Goshen Public Library cards
Starting this year, Goshen College students have the opportunity to receive a library card from...
October 7, 2021

Campus recycling gets trashed
Despite the many carefully-labeled recycling receptacles scattered around campus, understaffing at...
October 7, 2021

Sleep your way through campus!
Over Homecoming Weekend, young and old visitors alike were taken on tour after tour of campus. Now,...
October 7, 2021

GC’s new Center for Community Engagement to be housed in Newcomer
(from left to right: Dave Kendall, Duane Stoltzfus, Erika Buhring, Suzanne Ehst and Jan...
October 7, 2021

Heavenly Light debuts in Umble
Last weekend, Goshen College’s theater department presented their first fall performance of the...
October 7, 2021

Men and women’s soccer celebrate conference wins
Saturday proved to be a day full of celebration and record-setting performances for the Goshen...
October 7, 2021

New campus entrance opens
A new campus entrance on 10th Street opened Tuesday. The new entrance is the first part of an...
October 7, 2021

Cross country breaks records at Louisville Classic
The Goshen College men’s and women’s cross country teams traveled to the E.P. “Tom”...
September 30, 2021

Men’s cross country 22nd in nation
The Goshen College men’s cross country team ran over a minute faster at their race last Friday,...
September 30, 2021

2021 tennis season wrap-up
Both the Goshen College men’s and women’s tennis teams wrapped up their seasons this week. The...