

Doug Wellenreiter talks to a baseball player. Both are wearing Goshen College gear and Goshen batting helmets, and the student is holding a baseball bat
Jason Potsander holds his bright red bike and smiles for the camera. He is wearing a black long-sleeved shirt reading "Pumpkinvine Cyclery" and is standing in front of a flower mural
President Rebecca Stoltzfus stands with her right arm outstretched towards the sky, her palm pointing skyward. Her left arm is also outstretched, but pointing toward the ground. She is outdoors, and a sunrise can be seen in the background of the image
Black and white image of Cara Wilson and Kadie Spoor in their cosplay costumes. Cara Wilson is dressed as Starfire, a DC alien superhero. She throws up a peace sign for the camera. Kadie Spoor is dressed as Ghost Malone, with heavy white foundation, facial hair makeup, a flannel, and a face shield
Close-up shot of a red and white pint of ice cream from the Chief. A student's hand holds the pint on the Java Junction counter
Close-up shot of a student's hands holding up the red, white, and blue "Vote" sticker on their phone screen. The student is wearing a purple "Goshen College" shirt
A crowd of masked people hold up signs at a Black Lives Matter protest. The signs read "Prosecute KKKiller Cops!" "Hands Up Don't Shoot," "Black Lives Matter" and more. The people surround a Black woman in a brightly colored dress who is raising her fist in the air
People running spread out on the Millrace
Quaranzine illustration

Spring 2025
Features Staff

Features Editor

Kate Bodiker

Features Writer