“Tree dating” in Amman, Jordan
For my service portion of SST, I hopped on a plane and headed for Egypt’s neighboring country to...

Reflections from a native Arizonan
Someday soon, I will indubitably walk into a lovely local establishment and when asked for my...

Inclusive hiring – insight through a core value
I’ve heard the superficially helpful, if not entirely truthful, assertion that Goshen College, in...

A day in the life of Nora Miller
Greetings from Egypt! I’m writing to you from a teacher’s house in a city about...

On being ‘part cow’
I am part cow. No, I’m not talking about the genetic code or an unhealthy steak diet. I mean that...

A breath of British Columbia
I miss creation. This summer, I had the opportunity to experience nature unfolding. I spent it...

Experiencing shopping in Egypt
In Cairo, one cannot walk down most streets without noting densely packed areas of various shops....

Experiencing the Chilean earthquake first-hand
It’s 3:30 a.m. and our dog Bruno has started to bark very loudly. After taking a second or two to...

Riding in a ‘women’s car’
Elizabeth King is a sophomore student writing from Goshen College’s first Study-Service Term...

Take a look, recognize your local landscape
This summer I spent ten incredible weeks studying at the Au Sable Environmental Institute alongside...
Online perspective: Open letter from Nekeisha Alexis-Baker
An open letter to Goshen College in its time of discernment In spring 2010, I was part of a group...

If I Only Had a Brain
As a young child I was afraid of the Goosebumps book series. I’m probably still scared of them. As...

English and social work, empowerment with words
When I tell someone I am an English and social work double major, I often receive bewildered...

Egypt SST: Andrea Kraybill Reflects on the Good and Bad Things
Haga helwa wa haga wahesh. Good things and bad things. That’s the one phrase I know how...
Five items of business from David Zwier
Dear Goshenites, As people on the street continually tell us as we walk past, “Welcome in Egypt...
Spring 2025Opinion Staff
Opinion Editors

Josiah Miller jrmiller@goshen.edu

Carmen Merino camerino@goshen.edu