“Do you not like your bike, or what?!”
Every fall I watch as a lot of really nice bikes arrive on campus, and then as the weeks progress...
Lessons learned from a psychosocial moratorium
I entered my freshman year in Goshen College in a position I never imagined I’d be in. Five months...
Birding is worth the ‘fashion hit’
Certain persons in our household have been known to second guess the sartorial decision to appear in...

A brief and epic encounter with Steve Carrell
In a Home Depot parking lot in mid-town Los Angeles, my friends and I are about to be mobbed...

The delicious challenge of campfire cookouts
While most of the student body was working this summer simply to pay for the coming semester, I was...

Egypt perspective: Elspeth
Those of you who know me well know that I have a disturbingly keen imagination. Therefore, as...
MIP Perspective: Matthew Helmuth
This summer found me in an unexpected place – the center of Allentown, Penn., working with a tiny...
Dealing with dissonance
I recently attended the first women’s home volleyball game of the new school year. In my eagerness...
The Egyptian Maple Leaf: Rachel Friesen
Ahlan wa-Sahlan from Cairo, Egypt! We have arrived safely, and I’m writing today from our...
A letter of thanks–Bryce Bow
I wanted to take some time to write and say, well, “goodbye” to all of you (for now). I have...
Ode to Awkward People
It might be expected of us to write about certain subject matter regarding graduation, leaving...
Enjoying the Twinkie’s at Goshen
“You can’t spend all your time worrying about where your next Twinkie is going to come from, so...
Letter to the Editor–Gus Hawkins
To Whom it May Concern, As a fellow Hoosier and loyal American, it disturbed me greatly to learn of...
Senate Top Ten
Since everybody likes a short and sweet top 10 list, we’ve compiled one of our own. We know you...
A perspective on the anthem–Kathy Meyer Reimer
(from the March 24 2010 chapel, “Perspectives on the anthem.” Good morning. I would like...
Spring 2025Opinion Staff
Opinion Editors

Josiah Miller jrmiller@goshen.edu

Carmen Merino camerino@goshen.edu