

Phil Longenecker illustrates the correct technique for taking a selfie
Comic strip illustrating the struggle of explaining where Goshen College is to students from other schools
Matthew Smucker and Steven Cranston pose for a picture in their bunk beds
Feelings about topics such as Nicolas Cage and the inauguration illustrated by drawings of cockroaches
Phil Longenecker lies on a couch while eating several bags of chips
Photo of Jordan Waidelich mid-run next to a TV
Photo of a young fawn
Galed Krisjayanta poses for a picture with a variety of packaged instant noodles
Sara Azzuni and another student embrace and laugh together
Katie Yoder takes a selfie with the coffee maker in the science building
Jordan Waidelich faceplants on the floor
David Leaman-Miller takes a selfie with a hickory tree

Spring 2025
Funnies Staff

Funnies Editor

Grace Stevens

Funnies Writer