

Crossword puzzle
Caleb Gingerich strikes a variety of poses while wearing a trenchoat filled with gum
A meme illustrating freedom of religion
Kristin Jantzen makes a funny face behind the East Residence Hall sign
Meme of one caveman correcting another about the correct name of an animal: the caption reads "Homo Correctus"
Crossword puzzle
Drawing of a COVID-19 molecule slapping a hand over a singer's mouth
Crossword puzzle
Greta Lapp Klassen's face photoshopped onto Barbies of various professions
Meme of a cat and a racoon with a caption reading "When your date shows up and they don't look anything like their Tinder pics"
Photo of one of the on-campus tents next to the Broken Shield sculpture
The faces of Robert Brenneman and Brianne Brenneman photoshopped onto a picture of two babies
Photo of Kenwood House photoshopped onto the surface of the moon
COVID-19 meme of woman squinting with sunglasses; caption reads "Me looking outside to see what chapter of revelation we're doing today"
Gretta Rempel holds a package

Spring 2025
Funnies Staff

Funnies Editor

Grace Stevens

Funnies Writer