Many industries, enterprises and small businesses have been struggling in these difficult times.
Often it seems that the more careful we are about following safety protocols, the more lethargic the economy becomes. When we relax our vigilance in the hopes of returning to some kind of normalcy, cases of infection spike.Education institutions at all levels have not been immune from these pressures – political as well as social. Higher education too is being severely tested. The turmoil in academic schedules, the shift to online and hybrid learning and the disruption of athletic programs have all contributed to heightened strain and anxiety, on campus and at home.
How will we survive, and thrive?
The answer is education memes. Their incongruent images and ironic captions have the power to lift us above our malaise and reignite the passion for learning that brought us here in the first place. We’re right in the middle of it, so of course that means poking fun at ourselves.
Student Motto: “Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow!”
Headline in the Record: “Professor Posts One-hour Video Lecture, with Audio on Mute!”
College Employment Opportunities: “We’re hiring for a 3/16th position in Philosophical Theology. Degree and experience preferred. Compensation in coin.”
Physical Plant Announcement: “We are now powering all campus systems with the fumes of a decaying garbanzo bean.”
So take heart, Maple Leafs. You’ll be laughing behind your masks all the way to the bank when we send you forth, eventually, with that precious degree in hand; fully equipped to conquer the world in whatever capacity the market deems you fit to serve.