

Barbara Gingerich hangs handmade masks on the communal clothesline outside her house
Aerial image of a Goshen College Symphony Orchestra performance
Sierra Richer Portrait
Evan Krabill and Paul Drescher bike through the woods
Students and staff wear protective gear as they monitor the Miller-Kratz prairie burning
Portrait of Greta Lapp Klassen
Caleb and Nina Longenecker Fox pose for a picture on the stairwell outside their house in Ecuador
Members of the Student-Led Pandemic Task Force hold up care packages that they have prepared for quarantined and isolated students
Portrait of Amy Budd
Elena Meyer Reimer stands on Antoinette Mpawenayo's shoulders in Sauder Concert Hall
Portrait of Raf Barahona wearing a "Beloved" shirt

Spring 2025
Features Staff

Features Editor

Kate Bodiker

Features Writer