January 21, 2016

Coach Miller leads turnaround for women’s basketball
When Stephanie Miller was offered the head coaching position of GC’s women’s basketball program...
January 14, 2016
Stan King’s retirement opens new position
Stan King, longtime head coach of the Goshen College men’s tennis team, recently announced his...
December 3, 2015

Junior Olympic fencer attends Goshen College
Anja Kenagy may be the only student at Goshen College that had to decide whether or not to pack her...
November 19, 2015

Becoming ‘the next Pat Hughes’
Tony Miller—my brother—was born to Lyle and Bonnie Miller on May 2, 1993. Now 22 years old, he...
October 29, 2015
Beloved athletic trainer to retire
Linda Kaminskis, the head athletic trainer at Goshen College, and a member of the Indiana Athletic...
October 1, 2015
GC to build ‘Dr. John Ingold Sports Complex’ this spring
John Ingold, a household name at Goshen College, will now be forever etched into its history. A...
April 16, 2015

St. Francis sweeps series
As the semester, and year, is finally beginning to wind down, so is the Intramural Sports season....
April 16, 2015

Past and future for intramural sports
As the semester, and year, is finally beginning to wind down, so is the Intramural Sports season....
April 2, 2015

Lady behind the GC Leafs
There are 17 orange Gatorade containers in the training room in the Recreation-Fitness Center, as...
March 26, 2015

Intramural Soccer Update
In this week’s standings for the women’s league, Game of Throw-Ins is at the top of the table...
March 25, 2015
May Term opportunity for athletes
A new class is available for May term 2016 called Study/Sports in Nicaragua. The class will be...
March 19, 2015
Women’s soccer coach announced
On Monday, March 9, the Goshen College Athletic Department announced the hiring of Scott Gloden as...
March 19, 2015

Intramural soccer season begins
March Madness is here! In the form of Intramural Indoor Soccer that is. The season got underway a...
March 12, 2015

Vellaspringa: Like father like daughter
Rachel Smucker, a senior public relations major and business minor, likes to run. She has chosen to...
February 19, 2015
2015 GC marathon
On Saturday, February 21 and Sunday, February 22, marathoners will attempt 204 laps on the indoor...