Student Life
September 16, 2009
CAC: addicted to rap at Monday Night Live
The Goshen student body witnessed CAC members’ attempts to conquer their rap music addictions in...
April 1, 2009
School House rocks hour after
Looking for a chance to revel in the memories of your first experience in a locker room or at an...
March 18, 2009
Raising world hunger awareness: Students to skip, give up meals
By 2:00 a.m. on March 27, some Goshen College students will have tasted their last meal for the next...
March 18, 2009
Poetry to slam campus on Friday
If you think poetry is too sophisticated and boring, think again. Students will compete in a...
March 11, 2009
From the desk of Student Senate
Student Senate hasn’t been very visible lately. But Student Senate can own that. Student Senate...
March 11, 2009
Coffeehouse serves up night full of international food, culture
The International Student Club entertained hundreds at the annual I.S.C. coffeehouse on Saturday...
February 4, 2009
Kick-Off rocked a thriller
Students glided into the music building in glamorous attire for the Spring 2009 Kick-Off on Saturday...
January 28, 2009
Kick-Off goes classy
Students will likely pack Sauder Concert Hall on Saturday at 10 p.m. for the spring semester Kick-...
January 21, 2009
Don’t be bored Friday! Events fill ‘Night at RFC’
Students won’t be sleeping at the Friday evening “Night at the RFC." But they will have a chance...
January 14, 2009
Student life goes back to BASICS in dealing with alcohol use
In the first convocation of the semester, Bill Born, vice president for student life, introduced a...