October 13, 2013
Nursing department turns 60
This past homecoming weekend, nursing alumni and current students gathered to celebrate the 60th...
March 20, 2013
Goshen nursing students inducted into international nursing society
Twenty-two students in Goshen College’s nursing program will be inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau...
January 30, 2013

New campus counselor brings passion and vision
Over the last year and a half, the Goshen College Wellness and Health Center has seen its fair share...
November 29, 2012

Nursing student, a single mom, turns to Indiegogo
“Honey, you need to brush your teeth and wash your face,” Jillian De Moya calls to her 9-year-...
April 11, 2012
Employees tested for healthy living habits
As part of Goshen College's new wellness plan, employees are undergoing health testing this week...
February 9, 2012
Nursing department bids farewell to mock convention
The idea began on a porch at sunset. It was the fall of 1973 and several nursing faculty members...
January 19, 2012

From Amish baker to Goshen graduate
Only eight years ago, Naomi Kramer was living in an Amish community located in Jamesport, Mo., where...
March 10, 2011
Nursing students organize state convention
Heather Savage-Maierle, a senior nursing student and the president of the Indiana Association of...
February 10, 2011
Nursing students explore holistic care during 40th annual mock nursing convention
Goshen College nursing students will merge their knowledge of nursing care with their knowledge of...
December 2, 2010
Flu verification (online only)
As educators, we are always on the lookout for teachable moments. This week has provided several of...
November 17, 2010
A day of AIDS awareness
On Wednesday, Dec. 1 there will be a World AIDS Awareness event at Goshen College. This event,...
September 9, 2010
New faculty join in nursing, theater, informatics
With the 2010-2011 academic year underway, Goshen College welcomes 20 new employees to campus this...
November 19, 2009
Nursing students make history administering H1N1 vaccines
The last time it happened, it was smallpox and polio in the 1960s and 70s. Now, decades later, the...
February 4, 2009
Nurses to debate during annual mock-convention
The 38th annual Nursing Mock Convention on Friday will bring Goshen College nursing students and...