
March 4, 2009

Kevin and Keith stand on the tracks

February 18, 2009

February 18, 2009

February 18, 2009

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

Album cover for Trent Wagler and Jay Lapp's "Adrienna Valentine"

February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

February 4, 2009

February 4, 2009

January 28, 2009

Emily Swora sits under an umbrella on the Umble Center stage, where umbrellas are scattered across the stage

January 28, 2009

January 21, 2009

Bobby McFerrin conducts a chorus of audience volunteers on the Sauder Concert Hall stage

January 21, 2009

Students perform by the piano in Reith Recital Hall for Jesse Landis Eigsti's senior recital

January 14, 2009

Photo of Bobby McFerrin laughing and clapping