Religious Polarization in Egypt
Egypt, as you might have noticed, has some serious problems that make life there hard – poverty,...

Student senate and my experiences with policy
The topic of how influential student senate actually is can be approached from various perspectives...
Kampochea, I love you—oo—oo—oo—oo
One of the things I looked forward to the most in coming to Goshen College was the Study Service...
Paradise lost
During my high school years, I was eager to attend Goshen College. I looked forward to being a...
The hipster marvel: plaid clad and wonderfully witty
Do you have a Tumblr? If you said “yes,” then you might already be aware of the large...

Sénégal: It’s the place to be
As a current second semester senior, I have a lot of things to be doing right now. I have a history...

Do You Believe in the Truman Show?
I was outside last Wednesday. I march around outside quite a bit every day, actually, but last...
Amrán Na BhFiann (The Irish national anthem)
It seems like we were framed by the cosmos to play a tiny part in history, to experience the...

Praying for salaam in Egypt
As thousands of anti-Hosni Mubarak protesters continued their sit-in at the center of Cairo, we, a...

Conjugality on campus: married life vs. student life
A lot of people see us as differently ever since we got married on August 11, 2010. Perhaps...
Open letter to the peace studies community
What is the task of a peace witness when violence explodes? What is the task of a healer? In the...
The leak on Geeks
“I paid 7 dollars to get into this!” someone sitting near me at spring Kickoff kept shouting...
Learning to control fear
As most everyone in the Goshen College family is already aware, an act of violence was committed...
Nation building, globalization, and decolonizing the mind
“Nation Building, Globalization, and Decolonizing the Mind;” this is what I spent my fall...
To Yellowstone and beyond
Last April I walked across the stage in the Rec-Fit, shook Jimmy B’s hand and that was that. Four...
Spring 2025Opinion Staff
Opinion Editors

Josiah Miller jrmiller@goshen.edu

Carmen Merino camerino@goshen.edu