“Hi, this is Sophie Lapp, and if you’re interested in going to the ISC coffeehouse dinner, I can provide you with a ticket, and a not-so-blind, but well-dressed date… which would be me. Also, disclaimer is that I can’t provide you with a ticket to the show. So email me if you’re interested.”
– Sophie Lapp“Uh, this is a shout out to Kate Friesen, whose birthday is this Monday. Sugar sugar, how’d you get so fly? (followed by indeterminate yells and gargles)
– Becca Kraybill
“This is the real James Green, and I like to party.”
– James Green
“Hi, yes, this is Jared Miller, and I would just like to inform everyone that it is Mustache March. Uh, so all you Goshen men out there, get your mustaches rollin, get em rockin, get em ready for rides. Alright, this is a message from Jared Miller, bye.”
– Jake Snyder
“[Harmonica playing in the background] Okay, this is Mike Zehr, otherwise known as ‘Zehr Bear,’ playing ‘Piano Man’ on the harmonica. Right here around the campfire we have Anna Smith, Luke Zehr, Josh Yoder. We are in the Deep South. [Luke sings ‘Girl From the North Country,’ by Bob Dylan. The campers laugh and have ‘a great time.’] We’re always thinking about Goshen College and how we can heal the world peace by peace. We’re marveling at the beauty of creation. We’re in some serious hot water right now.”
– Josh Yoder and friends