Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor, We wanted to write to you to give corrections to errors in the article written on J...
Deaf and hearing alike gather at Goshen College
The Goshen College American Sign Language (ASL) Department hosted the Annual Silent Retreat...
International Spotlight: Ashika Thanju
Nepal has an outstanding number of diverse cultures, languages and religions. The vast society is...
Vellaspringa: Like father like daughter
Rachel Smucker, a senior public relations major and business minor, likes to run. She has chosen to...
For the Record
Goshen College is an institution that takes pride in the development of a close-knit community with...
Global citizenship: Isaac Fast
“Global citizen” is a phrase loosely used to describe a person who is becoming a part of the...
History of the Hiring Policy: Timeline
The Goshen College hiring policy has been a topic of discussion in The Record over the last...
Students attend Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Conference
On February 13-15, GC students and alumni made the long trek to Hesston for a peace conference....
Five things to do in Goshen over spring break
Students stuck in Goshen over midterm break may be jealous while looking at pictures of their...
Meet the GC shoveling crew
During the winter months, the Goshen College campus is often blanketed with a layer of snow and ice...
For the Record
We are halfway into the spring semester of the Record. It’s hard to believe. Thinking back to when...
Film students spend semester in L.A.
Benson Hostetter and Jared Zook, senior communications majors with a concentration in film, are...
Q&A With Deeksha Pagar
Deeksha Pagar, a first year physics and biochemistry major from India, tells us a little bit a how...
Crossing borders with baseball: Ryan Hartig
”Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball,” says...
Watkins recognized for marketing skills
This past Christmas break, Melia Watkins, a sophomore, received the exciting news that she had won...