For the RecordFor the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
For the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
March 18, 2010
For the Record–March 18, 2010
Last week, a student approached me and said that if she heard or read anything else about the...
February 18, 2010
For the Record–Feb. 18
This week was one of those weeks where I’ve walked across campus from a class to my next study...
January 27, 2010
For the Record, 28 Jan. 2010
For a discussion that lasted formally over a year at Goshen College, and certainly longer through...
January 20, 2010
For the Record-21 Jan.
On Tues. Jan. 12, a devastating earthquake reaching 7.0 on the Richter Scale hit Haiti, causing some...
January 16, 2010
For the Record
Goshen College is only a small part of the city of Goshen and an even smaller part of Elkhart County...
December 2, 2009
For The Record…
As end of the semester stress sets in and students, myself included, spend later and later nights...
October 14, 2009
For The Record: The Environment
This week’s Record might as well be dubbed “The Environmental Issue,” (yes, its a pun),...
October 7, 2009
For The Record: Notes on Youtube Comments
Since the inception of Youtube in 2005, the site has served up more than a billion videos for the...
September 23, 2009
For The Record-9/24/2009
On travel: A new feature has been added to the Perspectives page of The Record this semester. ...
September 17, 2009
For the Record…
Some notes on communication and creativity: During the summer, I picked up a book called “A...
April 16, 2009
For the Record Apr. 16
Ah, here we are – the final issue of the Record for the 2008-2009 academic year. I recognize that...
April 9, 2009
For the Record Apr. 9
A simple yet profound request made its way into my Gmail inbox last week. It was an invitation to...
April 2, 2009
For the Record Apr. 2
When approaching people to inquire whether they might consider writing a perspective for the Record...
March 26, 2009
For the Record Mar. 26
Recently I’ve been thinking about what a collaborative Mennonite college newspaper might look...
March 19, 2009
For the Record Mar. 19
As a funnies editor, I spend a lot of time thinking about humor. What do I find funny this week?...