Some notes on communication and creativity:
During the summer, I picked up a book called “A Whole New Mind” by Daniel Pink. The book is about a trend toward more creative and right-brain oriented success in the world of business and industry. Pink argues that lock-step, sequential, left brain style thinking is only valuable in conjunction with highly creative, artistic thinking, in every facet of modern business. This is an attractive idea to me. I have always seen myself as more of a right-brain thinker, and the idea that, with no particular effort on my part, my style of thinking is gaining relevance.Another important element that deserves acknowledgment is the type of thinking that isn’t entirely “success” oriented. As we shift toward a creativity paradigm, we are also shifting toward a social paradigm. Some of the fastest growing fields of employment in this poor job market are in human care. Nursing is doing especially well as a field. One reason is that people will always need medical care, and people don’t usually hesitate to pay for it. Additionally though, it is because values are shifting towards good interaction and positive collaboration.
A large part of the Goshen College experience is dependent on shared experience between students and faculty. Students live together, often in close quarters, and many have small classes that allow them consistent interaction with their professors. While homework, term papers, final exams…et cetera, are all an important part of college, the social interactions and compromises are just as important, and according to Pink, growing more so. In the new world of work, social skills, self presentation and empathy may be more important than a huge personal knowledge base. It is easy to learn facts, but perhaps more important to learn how to interact.
In editing The Record, I have already learned valuable lessons about the importance of smooth and pleasant interactions with people in a work situation, and the importance of good socializing can only grow.