For the RecordFor the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
For the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
September 14, 2011
For the Record–9-15-11
Listening is something we do every day, but how many of us are good at it? At both of Anna Deavere...
September 6, 2011
For the Record–09/08
Welcome (back) to Goshen College. After a few months of emptiness, the life-giving energy of...
April 21, 2011
For the Record 4/21
Between a lightning strike, a campus bomb scare, a blizzard canceling classes for the first time...
April 14, 2011
For the Record 4/14
I’m a complainer. I like to complain. Befitting my grumbling personality, I joined a large portion...
April 7, 2011
For the Record
Only a few weeks from graduating, I am beginning to panic—about finishing all my schoolwork, about...
March 31, 2011
For the Record 3/31
Last Monday, Residence Life announced the results for next year’s Resident Assistant and Ministry...
March 23, 2011
For the Record 3/24
How often do you leave your room without turning off the lights, or walk by an empty room with the...
March 14, 2011
For the Record 3/17
Two very worried looking people speaking on their cell phones bisected the path in front me this...
March 10, 2011
For the Record
The big story this week is the building of a wall across campus, something to raise awareness of the...
February 24, 2011
For the Record, 2/24
Over recent years, the college has undergone many institutional changes, from a brand change to the...
February 16, 2011
For the Record, Feb. 17
Sometimes, all I want to do is sit alone at the Rott. Last semester on Tuesdays, I’d get out of...
February 10, 2011
For the Record, 2/10
I am not a math major, but I heard some disappointments in the Campus Activities Council’s...
February 5, 2011
For the Record 2/3
Whenever I pass through the connector, I have been drawn to the opinion board, which until recently...
February 5, 2011
For the Record, Jan. 27
For my Senior Seminar class, I am reading “Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers,...
January 20, 2011
For the Record, Jan. 20
As I began scheming my plans for the Record this semester, I immediately saw it as a chance to bring...