For the RecordFor the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
For the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
March 5, 2015
For the Record
Goshen College is an institution that takes pride in the development of a close-knit community with...
February 19, 2015
For the Record
We are halfway into the spring semester of the Record. It’s hard to believe. Thinking back to when...
February 12, 2015
For the Record
President Barack Obama, in his video address at the 57th annual Grammy awards said, “artists have...
February 5, 2015
For the Record
Snow has overwhelmed campus this week. Fourteen inches of snow, to be exact. Beginning on Saturday...
January 29, 2015
For The Record
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with...
January 22, 2015
For the Record
In her speech at our Monday Martin Luther King convocation, Reverend Kanyere Eaton said that every...
January 15, 2015
For the Record
The arrival of a new year brings with it many things: new challenges, new successes, new faces and...
December 3, 2014
For The Record
As the semester ends amidst presentations, senior shows, finals and good-byes, I realize how much...
November 19, 2014
For The Record
There is this sense that you can’t go back to the dorms once you’ve moved into upperclassmen...
November 6, 2014
For The Record
Gender issues have been a big problem on Goshen College’s campus this year. Students have spoken a...
October 30, 2014
For The Record
It’s important to talk about feminism and sexism in comfortable settings. Generally, and...
October 8, 2014
For The Record
Five states will now allow same-sex marriage. Appeals will stand as they are, as the Supreme Court...
October 1, 2014
For The Record
Feminism has been in the international news and on our campus recently. For world news, Emma Watson...
September 24, 2014
For The Record
This past weekend was one full of activism both close to home and almost 700 miles away. People in...
September 17, 2014
For The Record
Last year, Rebecca Hernandez, former associate dean of intercultural development and educational...