For the RecordFor the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
For the Record is a weekly editorial usually written by the current executive editor of The Record. It may also be written by other Record editors.
January 14, 2016
For the RECORD
Welcome back to campus! After a brief break we are back at school and ready to go. If you haven’t...
November 12, 2015
For the Record
For a small school, Goshen College gets its fair share of high-profile guests. Al Roker’s visit to...
November 5, 2015
For the Record
Contrary to popular belief, the calendar does not skip directly from Halloween to Christmas....
October 29, 2015
For the Record
The final public forum for the local mayoral race took place in Sauder Concert Hall on Monday...
October 15, 2015
For the Record
The first of the 2016 presidential Democratic debates took place last night, featuring Secretary of...
October 8, 2015
For the Record
With midterms, colder weather and lots of stress on our plates, it’s no wonder that most of our...
October 1, 2015
For the Record
Patience has never been one of my strengths. I think that’s why spontaneity appeals to me; I enjoy...
September 24, 2015
For the Record
Yesterday, we transitioned into what is my favorite season, bar none. Fall is that special time of...
September 17, 2015
For the Record
This week, we at Goshen College have dedicated ourselves to recognize two incredibly important...
September 10, 2015
For the Record
As many students on GC’s campus are painfully aware, this past Monday was Labor Day. While public...
September 3, 2015
For the Record
Welcome back, y’all. After spending a summer at home in Harrisonburg, VA with my parents, being...
April 16, 2015
For the RECORD
It’s hard to believe that exactly one week separates Goshen College from the end of the spring...
April 2, 2015
For the Record
On Thursday, March 26, Indiana state legislation passed a bill that legalizes religious...
March 26, 2015
For the Record
Although the official first day of spring has come and gone, the weekend snow has reminded us that...
March 19, 2015
For the Record
In the dictionary, there are two definitions for the word integrity. Integrity means 1) the quality...