Conceptualizing God
As a kid, I often thought of myself as an eternal optimist. My childhood was bright and sunny with...

Real Life Tales from my Guatemalan Summer
Naturally, the 4th of July is not celebrated down in Guatemala as it is not their independence day,...

“The Rage” Maybe Not Such A Bad Name After All
50 percent Ice-Berry Blue, 40 percent Mountain Dew, 10 percent ice, and 100 percent delicious. This...

Standardized Testing and “Failing” Schools
As a PJCS minor taking Mediation, I had the opportunity last Friday to observe Carolyn Schrock-Shenk...

Good School, Bad School: A Family Legacy
Of all the stories my father told me and my siblings around the dinner table, the most captivating...

From Rott to Rage
There’s nothing quite like sitting at the “Rott” as early morning light creeps in...

A Day at Dutch Wonderland
I believe that every child should visit an amusement park. I’m not talking about a week-long trip...

Beyond the Bubble: Tillie Yoder
I am the product of an art-absorbed family, so when my brother and I got the chance to spend three...

Speaking from Experience: Tamara Shantz
I have to admit that I am thankful that Celebrate Service Day (CSD) is over. As I finish up my work...

Kill Joy
I rode my bike to Goshen College this morning wondering what perspective I should write for the...

Not a devil…off stage
I’d like to consider myself a nice guy. That isn’t to say I’m a radical do-gooder, but I’...

Beyond the Bubble: A northern Ireland understanding
I spent this past summer in Northern Ireland with groups of primary-school-aged kids, slogging up...

My thoughts on Goshen
Before arriving at Goshen, I had several ideas about what college life was going to be like. I...

Debunking the red scare
So, as hard as this might be for you to accept, redheads are people too. We eat, sleep and live just...

Taking responsibility from the bottom up
When I heard Bill McKibben speak last year about 350.org and the impending effects of climate change...
Spring 2025Opinion Staff
Opinion Editors

Josiah Miller jrmiller@goshen.edu

Carmen Merino camerino@goshen.edu