Medium – oil paint and lasers
Artist – John W. Miller
Lazers is a think piece about a midlevel band struggling with its own limitations in the harsh face of stardom. And the harshness of lazers in the face. The cowship in the bottom right corner is a representation of each farmer’s aspiration for their own supersonic jet. The cowship is standing on grass that looks like popcorn. The rainbow background is intended to compliment the lazer planet in the top right frame.
There is a subtle glow around both the planet in the top right and the dashing face on stage right. That’s just a drop shadow effect. Because those make it POP. The more astute critic may notice the drop shadow’s connecting effect to the previously mentioned grass.
The art’s text, or litany, is intended to provoke the audience into self reflection. Where are there lazer planets in my own life? What is art? Who is what? We choose to ignore these questions in our daily lives. But soon, inevitably, the cowship revolution will come to pass and we’ll be left out to dry. To be dried by lazers.