Goshen welcomes campus pastors
Before the fourth of January, Rev. Dr. LaKendra Hardware (or just Rev. LaKendra, as she’s known on...
New committee forms on campus
Goshen College has started a new committee on campus to work with athletic coaches and academic...
For the Record
On Jan. 20 around 11:30 a.m. I walked into the Great Clips here in Goshen with my friends Hannah and...
Safe Zone training informs and advocates
A group of around 20 students gathered for a Safe Zone training sponsored by Advocates, a campus...
Q&A with Sandra Cortez
Sandra Cortez, a first-year Nursing Major student at Goshen College, who shared her thoughts about...
Bringing Slam Poetry to Goshen: LaShawn Smith-Wright
Anyone who braved the cold on Monday morning for the Martin Luther King Day Coffeehouse heard first-...
Students Speak Out at MLK Coffeehouse
Following the tradition of years past, Monday morning’s second MLK Day event, the Spoken Word...
For The Record
Margaret Wheatley writes in her book, “Turning to One Another: Simple Conversations to Restore...
Where is my Asian role model?
Growing up, Mulan was not the only one who felt confused about the reflection she saw when looking...
‘Turkeypalooza’ continues a GC annual tradition
What happens when students are unable to go home for the Thanksgiving holiday, or are staying in...
Happy Camper & The Bees: A Goshen Legacy
Way, way back in 2008, a storm hit Goshen College’s campus. It took the unexpected form of three...
Nouri Marrakchi: A “hodgepodge” of cultures
Nouri Marrakchi is a cheerful, easy-going teacher at Elkhart Memorial High School with Moroccan...
For the Record
I’ve been thinking a lot about solidarity. This week on campus is Sexual Violence Awareness Week,...
Effects of Hurricane Maria reach Goshen student’s family
Lisa Rosado, a first-year from Puerto Rico, woke up in her dorm room on September 19 thinking it was...
Brandy Lowe: RA and true F.R.I.E.N.D.
Frank N. Furter lives on the second floor of the Kratz Residence Hall. The bright red beta fish is...