

Photo of the train underpass
Selfie of Armarlie Grier
The set for Urinetown
Members of Parables pose for a picture with their instruments outside the Music Center
Alex Pletcher's closeup photo of a spider
Luis Urrea at a book signing
Shelby Burge's drawing of her and her grandfather
Ammon Allen-Doucot reads his poetry at a poetry slam
Rikki Entrekin smiles for the camera
Students wear briefs for a picture in the 1988 Record "News in Briefs" column
Voices of the Earth sings in the choral balcony of Sauder Concert Hall
Newspaper clipping from a 1950 copy of the Record; the headline reads, "Construction of New Girls Dormitory to Begin Soon"
David Pauls' pop art featuring two portraits of a woman
Two students perform a dance number for Kick-Off