Lavender Jazz sambas in Sauder
Goshen College’s Lavender Jazz band hit the stage with a show-stopping performance on Friday, Nov...

‘Sculptor, poet, painter’: Webster
Sunday, Nov. 17, the Hershberger Art Gallery hosted a reception for local artist Jake Webster’s...

‘She Kills Monsters’ ‘slays’ on the Umble stage
Umble Center’s stage lit up with glow-in-the-dark dragon masks and dramatic fight scenes for the...

An artist’s wonderland: The GC art collection
When you enter the side door of the Union building and walk toward the campus post office, you pass...

The Arts Box – Ryan Snider
The imagery of the disembodied head of George Washington, urging the onlooker to vote, is meant to...

GC choirs ‘spread hope’ in fall concert
On Saturday, Oct. 26, the Goshen College Music Department held its annual Fall Choral Concert. A...

‘Decorate Your Own Piñata’ with Art Club and LSU
This past Friday, the Art Club and Latino Student Union hosted a Decorate Your Own Piñata event....

Fashion show highlights sustainability and inclusivity
Last Friday, EcoPax and Advocates hosted their first fashion show and clothing swap in Newcomer 19...

Maple Scholars tell story of local artist
This past summer, two Goshen College film students, Isabel Massud and Silas Immanuel, dedicated...

The Arts Box 10-3-2024
This artwork began as a simple flower sketch, but it quickly evolved into something more profound....

‘An Untitled Project’
On Oct. 4 at 8 p.m., Victor Vegas and Fatima Zahara’s musical, “An Untitled Project,” debuts...

Cultivating Hispanic heritage through music
On Saturday, Sept. 14, Goshen held its fourth annual Hispanic Heritage Festival. The event was...

Bringing a spark back to orchestra
Jimin Seo brings three master’s degrees, a pending doctorate and a drive for making music to her...

Good Library hosts local artist’s exhibit
On Sunday, the Good Library hosted a reception to celebrate the works of Chad Friesen, a member of...
Spring 2025
Arts Staff
Arts Editors

Ana Alves Machado acalvesmachado@goshen.edu

Caoimhe Farrell cifarrell@goshen.edu