October 22, 2013
CIIE plans ongoing programs
In Oct. 2006, Jim Brenneman, Goshen College president, unveiled a plan to establish the Center for...
October 6, 2013
DREAMer speaks on immigration
Wednesday, Goshen College welcomed Dara Marquez, DREAM Act advocate and winner of WNIT Public...
October 11, 2012
Urrea to speak on borders
Luis Urrea, a Mexican-American poet, author and novelist, will speak in convocation this Monday, Oct...
March 28, 2012
Domestic SST program undergoes major revisions
Starting in fall 2012, Goshen College students who choose not to take an international Study Service...
October 26, 2011

GC students DREAM big
Goshen College first-year students Yesenia Orellana and Aranza Torres became fast friends during a...
March 31, 2011
Goshen launches three institutes
The first three institutes at Goshen College—with potentially many more to come in the future—...
March 30, 2011
CITL presents research on Latinos in Northern Indiana
Goshen College’s Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning (CITL), in collaboration with...
February 24, 2011
Bienvenidos a Spanish Café
If you hear Spanish “jaja’s” floating through the air in the third-floor connector on Tuesday...
February 10, 2011
SST alternate courses alone no longer fulfill international education requirements
Students who choose not to do a traditional SST will now be required to do the Latino Studies SST...
January 20, 2010
A Struggle for Migrant Worker Justice
Ken Barger, a current professor of anthropology at Indiana University, spoke at convocation on...
September 23, 2009
New director leads domestic Study-Service Term
The planning for the new domestic S.S.T. is well underway. Anayeli Juarez, the recently hired...