Trying to make sense of beauty
“What makes music beautiful?” my grandfather asked after I finished playing Schumann’s...

And the rest is history
One summer a friend of mine and I decided to schedule visits with the elderly of our congregation....

Contemplative confabulation: A semester in the Oregonian woods
It’s hard for me to believe that this time last year I was nestled in the southern Oregonian woods...

Global Citizen of the Week: Tijs, the Netherlands
Tijs Buskermolen’s first impression of the United States: really big. Buskermelon, a sophomore...

Global Citizen of the week: Jan Zawadzki, Germany
My name is Jan Zawadzki and I am a second year business administration major and global economics...

A summer bike adventure
I love bikes. I always have, but I didn’t think I loved my bike enough to ride it across the...

Los ladrones y otras cuentas de Espana
As I flew into Barcelona’s sunrise, I felt a shiver of excitement. I was about to fulfill a...

Contemplating “Work” Around the World
The past eight months have taken me nonstop from SST in Tanzania, to gallivanting across Europe, to...

South African and Palestinian Apartheid: Lessons for the World
This summer eight Goshen College Students and I spent an amazing two months at the home of G.C....

Global citizen of the week: Mohamed, Mauritania
Mohamed Meissara is a junior TESOL major and communication minor from Mauritania. He was born in a...
Warlike language in the green movement
Apparently, Tim DeChristopher is something of a big name in the current environmental movement in...
Pet culture and the dogs’ morality
Maybe you were not one of the people who asked someone like me about the differences we have...
Off-campus residency costs addressed: a response to Bill Born
Like many people who read last week’s Record, we were inquisitive about the generalizations made...
Writing the Goshen definition
What defines a college community? On Wednesday night, March 30, a mix of over one hundred Goshen...
A home with a history
When my family “moved in” to our fourth home in Clifton, Ill., what we really did was pitch...
Spring 2025Opinion Staff
Opinion Editors

Josiah Miller jrmiller@goshen.edu

Carmen Merino camerino@goshen.edu