In another episode of vandalism, the underpass, Recreation-Fitness Center and Music Center were graffitied with obscenities, just weeks after the first incident. This time, though, Goshen College’s motion-sensored cameras were tripped, providing much more information about the vandals than the first time.

Chad Coleman, director of student life operations, ran through the footage and filed a police report. He found that, at around 11:10 p.m. on Sunday, March 14, the same two individuals believed to have committed the first vandalism struck again. Video evidence solidifies previous assumptions that the two individuals are between 14 and 17 years old, male, of light complexion and wore bright hoodies and distinctive black and white shoes.

After the two males came out of the underpass, they turned right and walked past the Connector. Security cameras show them talking to a GC student whom Coleman later contacted. 

The student said that the individuals seemed somewhat suspicious, but the student did not think to say anything and had no identifying information.

Even though the perpetrators are not dangerous, the vandalism has been a source of frustration for campus security and the facilities team. 

It puts a strain on campus resources, Coleman said, especially for the facilities team that has to work to clean up and cover the vandalism. 

Coleman reiterated that even though our campus safety staff is “one of the best staffs we’ve ever had,” they can’t be everywhere at once. 

Neither can the Goshen city police, so Coleman encouraged students to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.  

Specifically, if anyone sees people walking up from the underpass when a train is not present, that should be an immediate red flag. Using the Omnilert app, students can help be the campus’ eyes and ears to hopefully rein in the perpetrators and help give everyone peace of mind.