One of the many groups on campus that is caught up in the busyness of the beginning of the school year is the Student Senate Cabinet. For the 2010-2011 school year, the elected members are Chagan Sanathu, Chair; Luke Zehr, Parliamentarian; Melissa Zehr, Secretary; and Mary Bachman, Bookkeeper. This group meets with V.P. for Student Life, Bill Born, once a week to exchange, discuss, and act upon agenda related to students and institutional life. Soon, the full Student Senate body will assemble as At Large Senate members and Club Representatives are chosen.
The process of selecting the five At Large Senate members usually involves candidates writing a short statement and getting the approval of other students and faculty on a petition. typically followed by an election. This year, only four petitions were received by the deadline, so there will not be an election. The four candidates, Quinn Brenneke, Ana J. B. P. Mendes, Kristen Steiner, and Bethany Yoder, will go through an approval process by the Cabinet and Club Representatives. If any student or faculty has any concern or disapproval, this should be communicated in a written statement to Shirley Shriner no later than 4:00 pm, Monday, Sept. 20th.
Student clubs are to notify the Cabinet of one appointee to the Senate body before Wed., Sept. 22. In addition, any student club that wishes to be recognized officially this year and apply for funding must turn in the application form to Shirley Shriner by 4:00 pm, Friday, Sept. 17th. Club Day is slated for Wednesday, Oct. 6, when each club will have a chance to invite students to sign up and get involved.
Look for following editions of The Record for issues being addressed by Student Senate.