Sexual Misconduct Response Team (SMRT)- There will be an informative convocation regarding SMRT on March 16 at 10 a.m. in the Church Chapel. This event has been approved for convo credit and further advertisement for this event is to come.

Dona Park, June Han and Alma Carrillo Flores will lead a conversation for international students in order to provide a safe and open space to share experiences and discern whether there should be more support for international students here at Goshen College. This discussion will take place after the International Coffee House on March 14.

Ice Machine- Clay Shetler gave possible prices for installing an ice machine in the connector. The prices were relatively high and so Senate decided to set up a new system in Java Junction which will allow students to get ice in plastic bags and avoid the 25-cent cost of cups for ice.

HR Student Policy Update- A proposal was written calling for review of the student complaints policy and its implementation. A draft of this proposal was sent to Human Resources and a new draft is currently in progress.

Student Senate Upcoming Meetings- Student Senate members will be meeting on March 10 at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall with members of the Higher Learning Commission. Senate members will also meet with the members of Alumni Board on March 13 at 12:00 p.m.

Co-Ed Floor- Ben Shelly has written a Record article to provide more information and transparency about this initiative. Further discussion will follow.

Open Floor- Ben Shelly raised a concern about the way that violations are handled without considering context. He also suggested that students should have autonomy in non-academic disciplinary measures. Laura Miller rasied an additional club funding request and $700 was designated to sponsor the training for seven FIRSST representatives. Crystopher Echavarria informed the Senate that a printer has been placed in the fourth floor connector. Alma Carrillo Flores alerted Senate to the events “Save Jeju Now: A Presentation by Paco and Silver,” which will take place on Friday, March 6 at 10 a.m. in the Union Building and “Radical Change: Building Collective Solidarity Amongst Races” on Friday, March 16 at 10 a.m. in the Church Chapel and plans to use the Senate Facebook page to advertise these events.