Members in attendance:  Jieun Han, Alma Rosa Carrillo Flores, Erin Bergen, Tiantian Chen, Ben Shelly, Laura Miller, Jill Steinmetz, Hannah Yoder, Jenae Longenecker, Crystopher Echavarria, Launa Rohrer

Cabinet Elections for 2015-2016- posters and fabebook post to inform the student body of deadlines for submission applications and cabinet elections.

Retributive Violation Policy- Crystopher Echavarria and Hannah Yoder discussed about goals for approaching the policy and further meetings with Res Life.  Neal Friesen suggested having an open coffee time in java for students to come and ask questions or concerns.

SRC Wall- SRC has made a proposal to Student Senate for a Mock Wall to bring awareness of the border between Mexico-USA and Palestine and how that has impacted immigration. Funding request of $660 was approved by consensus.

COFFE Club Application- the club made a funding request of $200 to Student Senate and it was approved by consensus. Further feedback and suggestions were made to club leaders for further events to be hosted at Java Junction with the purpose of bringing different groups of people together.

Women of Ciudad Juarez- Funding request for the play to come to Goshen College will be submitted later by the organizers, current estimation is $1,000-$1,500 but Student Senate will wait for the final request to be made.

ATTENTION STUDENTS- Java Junction will provide bags of ice for athletes or any other student! Come by open hours!

Find more complete minutes from our meeting at www.

Next Student Senate meeting time: March 24 at 9pm in AD21

All of our meetings are open to students and community members. Please join us!