The Physical Plant is in the process of converting to cleaning products that are “green seal certified,” or products approved and determined sustainable and biodegradable by national standards. This is one of many steps President Jim Brenneman is encouraging, aiding in the goal of making Goshen College a green campus.
Jennifer Stutzman, the custodial supervisor for Goshen College is thrilled about the upcoming changes. According to Stutzman, the green products will not only be safer for staff and the environment, but are also more efficient and ultimately less expensive.
“This is huge for us,” said Stutzman. “We have done a lot of homework with what is green.”
Other green improvements implemented by the Physical Plant are their careful selection of reusable products and materials that will create the least amount of waste. For example, Stutzman described the reusable soap dispensers as products that “help us reach the goal of being more green.”
The estimated goal was to begin the green product use next week. However, the current products will all be used before the green products. “We want to utilize what we have before we start with something new,” said utilities manager Glenn Gilbert.
To ensure the products are used correctly and most efficiently, the vendors train custodians before the new products are up. On Wednesday, the vendors came to Goshen to meet with each individual custodian, ensuring they understand how to efficiently and correctly use the chemicals.
“Training is very important to [the custodians],” said Stutzman. They are excited about using green chemicals that will be beneficial for the environment as well.
Students are also thrilled about the changes. “I’m glad they’re taking the environment into consideration,” said Scott Kempf, a sophomore. “This is something the students will be happy about.”