The communication department has selected the new co-curricular leaders for FiveCore Media, the Correspondent and the Globe.

The new positions in the Correspondent include Tim Litwiller, a sophomore, as programmer; Karina Flores, a junior, as news director; and Dalton Shetler, a junior, as operations manager.

Like many of the Goshen College Communications programs, the Correspondent is a nationally recognized program that is produced and lead by GC students. The Correspondent broadcasts television news stories that are representative of the larger college campus and city communities.

Shetler said, “I am eager to watch the maturation of the Correspondent. Professor Kendall will have his second turn with the Correspondent this upcoming year, and I am interested to watch the alterations that we make to the program to improve the quality.”

Although no definitive changes have been made yet, Shetler said there might be changes in the near future.

In addition to The Correspondent, Litwiller has also been appointed producer for

FiveCore media. Alongside Litwiller, Jesse Bontrager, a junior, has also been named producer. Tabitha Immanuel and Takoda Friesen, sophomores, will be student assistants for FiveCore.

Like The Correspondent, FiveCore Media is directed by a combination of a student team and the partnership of mentor professors and instructors.

Student-led programs provide the opportunity for students to apply what they have learned and create innovative documentaries, cover local live events and create promotional or educational videos and films.

Like The Correspondent and FiveCore Media, the Globe also includes a partnership between student station manager and a faculty general manager.

The Globe has recognized JD Hershberger, a junior, as the next student station manager. Hershberger will work in partnership with general manager and Jason Samuel, assistant professor of communication.

Hershberger’s interests early on in his life were sports and theater, which later influenced his passion for communications.

Hershberger said, “From theater I acquired the skills for expressing myself effectively, I learned how to play an audience and use my voice to communicate a message effectively. To this day it’s probably my greatest skill.”

His interest in sports eventually became significant to the time he has contributed in commentating. “When I watched sports I slowly began to envy the athletes less and the commentators more. I became obsessed with learning enough about sports that I could commentate games like the pros,” he said.

Throughout his time at Hesston College and Goshen College, Hershberger has experience with both broadcasting and commentating, and will now be the student station manager for The Globe.

“I love commentating sports games, I love running a music show. I don’t know, it’s just life giving getting to bring entertaining commentary to people,” he said.

Hershberger is aware that running a station is also a huge responsibility; however, he is willing to rise to the occasion.

“I’m looking forward to diving into really running a radio station. I am in need of the experience [that] being student station manager will bring and I’m very excited about it. I love the idea of being behind the music our listeners tune in for. It’s a lot of responsibility, but it’s exciting,” he said.