SMRT (Sexual Misconduct Response Team) - There was a meeting this past Tuesday (February 3) with 5 members. Launa Rohrer will be meeting with SMRT next week while it is decided the place and the time for a possible informative convocation. Senate will be the main sponsorship of the event.

FIRRSST (Functional Immediate Response Student Safety Team) - Student Senate member Laura Miller wrote a proposal; the rest of the members will review the proposal and it will be decided if is approved or not on next week’s meeting.  FIRRSST was approved by Student Senate to become a club.

Administration Update – President’s Council (PC) minutes will be provided to Student Senate from December. Sarah Keating recommends that the Junior Search Campaign with Noel Levitz should be number one priority, and feedback will be requested from the consulting group.  The HLC draft chapters will be reviewed along with having a group discussion with chapters 1, 2 and 5 of self-study. PC members received an invitation to meet with Mennonite pastors for lunch. Lastly, a student complaint proposal was made to the administration and the submitted draft is currently being reviewed.

Open Floor (individual senate member’s concerns) - Laura Miller mentioned that it is important to question the administration for the lack of faculty of color. Student Senate proposed to invite Euware Osayande (MLK speaker) to have an educational conversation, since this lack of diversity is believed to be a systematic problem within our campus.

Find more complete minutes from our meeting at www.

Next Student senate meeting time: February 10 at 8pm in AD21

All of our meetings are open to students and community members! Please Join us any time!