During Monday’s convocation, Ross Peterson-Veatch, the associate academic dean and director of curriculum for Center for Intercultural Teaching and Learning at Goshen College, announced the continuing assessment of the Goshen experience.
Peterson-Veatch is more interested in the Goshen College experience as a whole, than any individual general education class. In addition to Goshen’s core values, Peterson-Veatch suggested that Student Learning Outcomes such as knowledge, skills, responsibilities and integrative learning help identify the need for certain general education requirements.
“If these are the outcomes, how do we get there?” asked Peterson-Veatch.
Goshen College is continually planning, delivering, assessing and adjusting. In October, Peterson-Veatch, Anita Stalter, Bill Born and a group of students met to discuss exactly what makes the Goshen College experience what it is.
Monday, Peterson-Veatch turned to the entire student body to ask the following three questions:
What does GC do that helps you to achieve the Student Learning Outcomes?
What does GC not do to help you achieve the Student Learning Outcomes?
How can GC help you to solve/achieve these outcomes?
Students discussed the questions in small groups, and turned in written responses at the end of convocation. Peterson-Veatch intended to summarize the top three responses for each question. The lists are intended to capture the essence of Goshen College so that it doesn’t stray too far from the Student Learning Outcomes. Results will be posted at a later date.
Any students interested in participating in further discussions with Peterson-Veatch about general education requirements in relation to the Goshen College experience are encouraged to talk to their adviser.