The Goshen College annual crime report was recently updated to include crimes that took place during 2009 and GC students and employees were notified on Tuesday. The crime report covers categories of crime required by federal law, including criminal offenses, arrests and fires.

The report introduction states that the college also experiences larceny—thefts, vandalism or presence of suspicious persons on campus—on an annual basis, although these statistics are not included in the crime report required by law.

According to Launa Rohrer, associate dean of students, larceny statistics are available in the crime log located in the student life office.   “We have a structure in place that centralizes all reported crime,” said Rohrer, who compiles the annual campus safety report.

The report states that in 2009, no criminal offenses were reported  on Goshen's campus, on-campus residence halls or public property. Under the arrests category during the same year, nine on-campus liquor law violations resulted in disciplinary action (down four from 2008), one liquor law violation and one drug law violation occurred on public property resulting in arrests, and one drug law violation occurred off campus resulting in disciplinary action. Zero fires were reported in 2009.

Bill Born, vice president for student life and dean of students, sent an email to students and employees on Tuesday to inform the college campus that the crime statistics have been updated for the previous year. In his email, he advised everyone to review the crime statistics and he highlighted that the statistics page also has a link to safety related topics. The annual campus safety report, also available by a link on the crime report website, includes information on how to report and prevent crimes.

Rohrer stated that an email to students and employees is sent out annually when the crime report is updated each fall. She added that off campus entities such as Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center are responsible for reporting crime that occurs on their property.

“It’s always important for students to be aware of their personality safety,” said Rohrer. “Locking their doors and cars serve as deterrents for the crime that we do have on our campus.”

Printed copies of the annual campus safety report are available from the student life office by calling 574-535-7543 or visiting the Administration Building room 14. The crime report is available online through the student life page on the GC website: