Leadership skills can apply to many facets of life. Providing and improving those skills is the goal of the new United Leaders of Goshen College program, led by Gilberto Pérez Jr., vice president for student life and Hispanic serving initiatives. The group had several meetings during this past semester, in March, April and May, and is now looking to get started once again.

Pérez spoke with enthusiasm about the mission of the group: “One primary goal is that our students who are in the leadership program have a better sense of direction for what they want to do at Goshen College.” He emphasized, “And I say Goshen College because I believe that Goshen College is where you learn and develop skills that prepare you to go out and do more things after you graduate. So, I’d really like our students to have a better sense of purpose.”

The group is based around a framework of central ideas, including a desire to explore beliefs and values in order to improve a collective whole. 

Pérez spoke about the existence of numerous strengths and weaknesses for a leader and said that the group would work to help its students understand those. He gave a smile as he described his hopes for the program and his belief in what it has to offer.

Throughout his description of the group, Pérez returned several times to the sense of belonging he wants for the participants. He said, “[they will] be connected to other student leaders who also have a passion for leadership development and grow with them and develop a strong ‘us’ for what we do at Goshen College, so [you] can be connected to those people for life.”

In Pérez’s eyes, the GC experience should help form lasting relationships with other students and a sense of purpose and calling. According to him, the United Leaders program will be yet another tool for doing exactly that.

The group is also meant to improve confidence in communication. Pérez said, “We would like students to be able to tell their story about who they are as leaders.”

United Leaders is by no means intended for only a select few. Pérez encouraged anyone who is interested to apply, since he believes the group has value for anyone. This sentiment was shared by Tim Wilkening, a senior sports management, soccer player and member of the United Leaders group.

Wilkening said, “Everybody is welcomed. You don’t have to be a leader on your sports team, or a captain, or already part of something. No, it’s very much from the beginning, we’re building the foundations right now, so come and join.”

Both Pérez and Wilkening described the diverse backgrounds of the group members. Wilkening said that college was the perfect place to bring together a group of leaders from diverse cultures.

Though the group had to reschedule their first meeting of the semester, Pérez and Wilkening are both looking forward to the program starting up in earnest, and they hope to begin monthly meetings soon. Wilkening said, “I really do believe that this project has a big future.”