The most natural thing for the first editorial as a new editor-in-chief would be to introduce myself.
But I’m not going to do that because after you read my Funnies article, you will probably know me all too well.(Plus, I’ve already made the mistake of introducing myself as being from Jordan, and I am not going to take that risk again. Public speaking is really not my forte.)
With this editorial, I will have reached my fourth byline in the paper this week. So all of you might be tired of reading my name. Well, that is just too bad.
Today marks the first of 12 issues of The Record that I am responsible for putting together, not that I’m counting. And with 11 issues left, I find myself in need of help from you, the student body.
While I am in charge of organizing this, it is a paper for the students and by the students. It is my responsibility to make sure this happens every week, but I’m not doing it for myself. You all have unique stories and perspectives, and this is a space where you should be able to feel comfortable sharing those.
If you go through and read all of the bylines (the ones that don’t say Jordan Waidelich), they will have the names of students you have classes with, students you see walking on the sidewalk and students you sit across the table from in the dining hall. And they could even have your name one day!
Okay, so maybe not everyone wants to write something for The Record. That’s fair. I still want your input.
I want feedback from you because I want to know how I can make this paper something you can’t wait to pick up and read. But keep in mind that these people are your friends.
We’re all human and capable of making mistakes, so let us know that we’ve messed up, but please do so kindly. Send us your perspectives, kindly point out our mistakes, give suggestions of things you’d like to know more about and take ownership of your paper.
I have the title of editor-in-chief, but this paper is for you.
Jordan Waidelich is a senior communications major. She is the Editor-in-Cheif of the Record this semester.