Tucked away at the edge of campus, the Visual Arts Building is a mystery to many Goshen students. 

Although it’s not the most spacious of buildings, the Visual Arts Building is home to students from early Monday mornings to late nights on the weekend, as students shape intricate pottery in the basement studio and create storyboards to be turned into animations using the computers on the top floor.

It’s not uncommon for art students to spend so much time there that it can feel almost like a second home. 

Dianna Campos, a senior art and communication major, is one of those students.

“Working on creative projects takes a lot of time and investment, especially when there is a certain complexity to the project requirements or my approach method,” Campos said. “However, because of the current circumstances we are in right now, if I don’t need to be on campus other than for class, I prefer to work from home.” 

This makes the average day of an art major difficult to describe, as students often work on multiple projects simultaneously and use different media types for each of their various classes. 

Some art students, like Campos, keep a list of ongoing projects to work on throughout the day. 

“By midnight, I prepare for the next day and get ready for sleep,” Campos said. “Hopefully, by then, I have crossed some things off my list and/or made progress on an art piece.”

Because they are immersed in so many different types of art, students can choose to alternate their focus if they feel burnt out or stuck on a certain project. 

Joel Lara, a third-year art major, is pursuing a career in architecture. He is currently taking drawing and sculpture classes, but often finds himself in the ceramics studio or putting time into photography. 

For Lara, experimenting with different types of art reinvigorates his creativity.

“Art is an expression of oneself and sort of works like a battery inside you,” he said. “Some days the battery is fully charged and energized and other days it is at its minimum or simply dead. If so, it needs time to recharge, but once its back up, the ideas kick in and you simply don’t know where to start.” 

Not having a set schedule allows Lara to work when his battery is full, which is an experience he finds freeing. 

“My desire to create art that is unique to me constantly pushes me to think outside the box and not be afraid to make mistakes. I have learned that some of these so-called mistakes end up resulting in some of my best pieces,” he said. “As an art major at Goshen College, I have learned that the best way to become a better artist is to let your mind flow and let your creativity guide you.”