You’re A Refreshing Dream
You look just likeyou’re made of
refreshing dreams.
The kind you have
After going back to
Sleep after jolting
Awake from a nightmare.
“Tea Time With Shayne”
In my hands, some hot modified chai tea,
With creamer, sugar, and cinnamon spice.
A drink as delicious as drink can be,
a comfort without supermarket price.
The liquid falls down my desert dry throat
into my stomach and warms me right up.
My sandpaper throat, it will help me coat.
My ceramic doctor in a quick cup.
This mixture, my own secret remedy
was volcano hot first in the morning,
but became a slow drinker’s felony.
The ticking clock should have been a warning.
A tea once freshly warm from the kettle,
now sits on a wooden desk, cold as metal.