Tasha Friesen, a freshmen art major, sees beauty in the miniscule. Thanks to the zoom filters on her camera, Friesen is able to capture detailed photographs of everyday objects and nature in a style called macrophotography. The idea of macrophotography is to document only a fraction of a given subject matter in order to bring out the beauty in its entirety.

Friesen began snapping photos of the miniscule only after learning more about camera operations in her Photo Communications class. “After taking Photo Comm, I feel like I know how to use my camera,” Friesen said. “I feel like I have more control over my photography now.”

During the class, Friesen began to experiment with removable filters that attach outside of the camera lens. The filters help to produce an image that is extremely zoomed in and yet still maintains focus and detail. Her favorite subject matter to hone in on, she said, is nature, yet her artist’s eye wanders no matter what her surroundings.

“I see photos everywhere,” Friesen said. “Sitting talking to a friend I see a photo. When I’m walking across campus I see a photo. [Macrophotography] really makes you see things in a different way because anything can be beautiful as a macrophotograph.”