Aurora Flores Avila

Senior, nursing major

As a Latina woman, I wish I would have known that GC does not have the resources, space, or support to help me develop my identity. Most people “find themselves” in college. They develop their identities and explore different aspects of who they are. For my white (and mostly Mennonite) peers, GC has been a safe and supportive place for them to explore who they are without fear of judgment. If I would have had the resources to attend a different university, then I would have chosen one that better met my needs and wants!


Robert Sanders

Senior, sports management major 

Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to engage positively with your campus community. Join clubs, accept volunteer opportunities, and make the most of everyday whle enjoying yourself. 

Isolation is one of the worst things you could possibly do in this new stage of life. Honor God and embrace your new journey!


Isaac Fisher

Senior, secondary education and mathematics majors

It is okay to take a mental health day. There is so much stress and pressure with college that it’s okay to take a break every once in a while. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and if you don’t take care of it, it can be detrimental to your studies and life. 

Also, do things that push you outside your comfort zone. That’s where you’ll make your best memories and friends.


Montce Martinez Alvarez Senior, history major 

I highly recommend reading the syllabus. You learn so much about how difficult the class is, as well as a glimpse of the professor’s personality. A well-structured syllabus equals a well-structured class. 

Also, I recommend going to every social function in your department. Making friends with people in your major early on can help prevent impostor syndrome and will give you a reason to go to class, especially since you won’t feel alone.


Isis Espinoza

Junior, TESOL and secondary education majors 

Take your first year slow. If you feel like you don’t like your major, switch. You may get three years in and not want to continue. If you are coming in as a first-generation student, especially, you are at a disadvantage. 

Ask for advice and surround yourself with people who will support you. As cliché as it may sound, college is a journey — you don’t have to rush. As long as you are proud of yourself and your work, that is what’s important.


Antoinette Mpawenayo 

Junior, social work major 

A lot of the time we tend to focus only on completing assignments, but I have found that spending time with friends has helped me grow academically and socially. 

Prioritize your friendships and build community — that will help with your academics.